We recycle, we save, we take care. For real!
EFES Moldova takes care of the environment through attention, consideration and voluntary actions.
30 million bottles recycled and reused annually.In order to motivate recycling among EFES consumers, we use reusable bottles for our drinks. Currently, all beers produced in Moldova are packaged in returnable bottles. Thus, people are urged to return the bottles to the stores where they bought them. For each bottle returned to neighbourhood stores, we offer 1.5 lei. The collection and recycling process helps us save almost 4,000,000 kw/h of electricity.
The first and only technical and rainwater treatment plant.We are aware of the problem of water pollution in the Republic of Moldova. As water is one of our key ingredients in beer production, we are concerned with ensuring sustainable water consumption. There were 4,000,000 dollars invested in the construction of the technical and rainwater treatment plant. Currently, this is the only plant of this type in the Republic of Moldova. Our production requires a significant amount of water, starting from the product itself and ending with the technical water we use for washing, cooling etc. For example, in 2021 there were consumed around 350,000 m3 of water. Every day, our plant filters, through a process that includes aerobic and anaerobic cleaning, about 700 cubic metres of water. Thus, we guarantee the discharge of neutral water into the city system. Last year we purified over 250,000 m3 of water at a quality that exceeds by 10-20% the norms established by the Government. Our specialists are continuously working to improve the quality of the system; that is why the process is fully computerised and does not require human intervention except at the level of monitoring and data analysis. For example, if in 2018 we used 4.88 litres of water to produce one litre of beer, today we have reduced this volume to 4.50 litres. Based on the German CUSS technology, this investment of about 5 million dollars by the EFES company allows us to operate in an environmentally friendly way and to contribute to the rational and sustainable use of water, which is one of the most important natural resources.
120 bins for the collection of PET waste.EFES Moldova is the only company that has placed a network of containers for the collection of plastic waste within the Chisinau radius. Starting in 2012 and up to now, our project remains unique in this way. Those 120 containers offered by EFES for this purpose were given to the ABS company for management and annually allow the separate collection of about 900 tons of plastic waste.
300 fir trees in the Chisinau Botanical Garden.The Corporate Social Responsibility project "Friendly for the Environment" aims to implement actions that contribute to the climate’s well-being. That is why the EFES Moldova team succeeded, in the summer of 2021, in planting 300 fir trees on the territory of the largest research centre in the field of botany in the Republic of Moldova. We support the well-being and attractiveness of nature not only in the capital; we also managed to plant an avenue of magnolias in Nisporeni.
The first pilot project of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Moldova.EFES Moldova is one of the founders of APIAM (Association of Packaging Manufacturers and Importers). The purpose of this association is the implementation of the provisions and association commitments of the Republic of Moldova - EU in order to implement the waste management system. In November 2021, we launched, together with our colleagues from APIAM and Salubris Grup SRL, the project implementation partner, a pilot project for the separate collection of household waste, with the aim of promoting the European principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Thus, citizens from the villages of Onițcani, Cruglic, Boșcana, Porumbeni, Dubăsarii Vechi, Drăsliceni commune, Criuleni town in Criuleni district, Cricova town and Ciorescu commune in Chisinau municipality are offered free garbage containers, where they can collect packaging waste: glass, plastic, polyethylene, metal etc. The waste is then sorted and processed by an authorised operator. In the first 5 months of activity, we managed to supply 9 localities in Moldova with 130 dumpsters for the separate sorting of waste. 56,000 people now have the opportunity to collect waste in an organised and responsible way, thus registering a total of 97,042 kg of waste sorted and processed. In 2022 we aim to collect 250 tons of waste with the help of dumpsters, of which 175 tons of plastic waste, and promote educational activities among people. We collect waste, because we really care!
Ephesians is about Ethics. To be successful in all areas of activity, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with our people. That is why the Efes Moldova company takes into account the information, compliance and promotion of the code of ethics among our employees. Hereby, we encourage compliance with ethical principles and avoid discrimination, harassment, disrespect and other insults to every employee.
The code of ethics of the Efes Moldova company was implemented in 2015. In the first years, we carried out an activity to inform and promote the code. To date, employees receive 5-7 trainings per year in which we remind them about our principles, mission, the ways in which employees can address the ethics officers and the progress of our work.
Employees are encouraged to address each existing violation to the company's management through all available communication channels: hotline, e-mail, or even directly to the representative of the Local Ethics Committee. If an employee does not have the courage to resort to any of these methods, he has the opportunity to make a written complaint, which he can then enter in the ethics box on the 2nd floor of our factory.
Once the local bodies have a particular complaint in hand, the committee meets and investigates the information. Collecting video footage, interviewing people and gathering evidence takes place. Most of the time is devoted to the research and investigation process. We are committed to protecting people who report problems.
The Local Ethics Committee ensures communication to other employees about incidents within the company. The summaries of all the reports are sent during meetings, so that the employees are aware of what is happening in the company, to be more cautious in the future and to consider which actions exceed the norms.
From 0 notifications annually, we ended up receiving an average of 2-3 addresses about unpleasant situations within the company. This shows that our employees feel safer to talk about what is happening to them, knowing that the situation will be resolved quickly and professionally. Being involved and active is not a choice, it is a responsibility. Punishing the guilty is a must, and protecting our people is a duty. That's why being fair and protecting our employees is an important part of the company's business, regardless of their role in the organization.
We are continuously working to improve measures to prevent corruption in the private sector. In this sense, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, within the "Brand of the Year" contest, awarded the Efes Moldova company the diploma for the implementation of integrity standards in the private sector. The competition aimed to evaluate the shareholdings with regard to ensuring the corporate integrity of the companies. With this mention, Efes Moldova obtained a recognition of the level of implementation of ethical measures at the company level.
We encourage responsible drinking.
People who choose Efes Moldova beer choose to be aware and protected. We are constantly working to promote the consumption of the best beer in safe conditions, that is why all our beers have on the label the warning that the drink is forbidden to minors and pregnant women. Efes Moldova is the first producer in Moldova to apply this sign even before the legal obligation was introduced in 2010 and was one of the first 17 producers in the world to introduce this symbol on labels.
Our TV commercials also end with a warning from experts: "Excessive alcohol consumption is seriously damaging to your health."
The campaign organized by Efes Moldova supports and urges all drivers not to get behind the wheel if they have consumed alcohol. The 33 posters placed in the bathroom stalls of the restaurants consist of a simple mathematical equation: 7×8=?. Even people who were only slightly under the influence of alcohol had difficulty solving the equation, suggesting that they have a slower reaction time and should not get behind the wheel.